Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR refers to how we treat our employees and colleagues, how we do business, how we see ourselves as a citizen in society and the world around us, and how we contribute to a sustainable future environment.

Employees We take pride in our staff and strive to be a good employer. By investing in our staff’s well-being and development, we secure qualified, highly motivated staff.

Business By conducting business according to ethical, professional and legal standards we are a fair and honest business partner. We stand for quality and personal commitment.

Community We want to be a responsible corporate citizen and we believe that by caring for the world around us, and the people in it, we become a better business partner and employer.

Environment We believe in the importance of environmental protection and improvement for the long term. Our ambition is to apply the best possible environmental practice whenever we can. We always strive to minimise environmental impact, aiming for continuity in everything we do. We have a long-term commitment to environmental issues and are involved in various projects in the field.