What is new about this?
OKS Dynamic Flow Control is new because it enables the automation of decision making and the ability to re-plan dynamically. This means that when changes happen, OKS Dynamic Flow Control can re-plan on the go because the business rules have already been defined that enable the change.

How is it different than what is already out there?
Today’s supply chains are typically planned and executed manually. This means that the process is slower, less optimised, and prone to errors.  The automated OKS Dynamic Flow Control solution reduces the need for this type of manual intervention. 

What kind of money can the customer save?
OKS planning and re-planning provides more flexibility to adjust to last minute demand and supply changes which enable lower inventories, higher customer service, and timely response to market trends.  In addition, improved delivery performance and reduced manual intervention can decrease lead times by up to 10%. The mapping of customer specific business rules enables automated decision making, which lowers administration costs by up to 20%. Improved container utilization and mix, less administration, and reduced air to ocean ratio can help decrease cost by up to 20%. The solution has already helped a development partner to improve delivery performance significantly.